11 September 2010
Paris Acceleration, le 11 septembre, 2010
For Paris Acceleration, (first cut), I was inspired yet again by a Francis Bacon triptych of male nudes--this one occupying an entire gallery wall at the Centre Pompidou. Clearing away the furniture in my apartment, I shot a series of “still” nudes of myself against my modest wall, with the assignment to remain still (and understand what that meant) but gradually shorten the duration of poses. Once I started putting it down on the "wall" of the screen in editing, it became an experiment in assemblage, composition, balance and disruption. Movement and stillness... transitions, real and/or edited. The work of Etienne-Martin, Cornell, Rauschenberg, Braque, countless others… and reading a critique of my old friend Rudy Arnheim’s work about dynamic balance re. the composition of imagery within the frame. Then of course, there’s always the rhythm of the edit! Click here. (WARNING: Those who might be offended by nudity should not enter.... although I've never seen such a warning at a museum!)
Other museum finds: a film of Trisha Brown dancing Water Motor, filmed by Babette Mangolte in 1978--first in real time and repeated in slow motion-- lush, loose, elegantly awkward movement permutations (made even more vivid after reading
Laurence Louppe’s passages on Brown’s embodiment of weight & flow), Hans
Richter’s film, Rhythmus 21, (a videodance primer: the dance of squares and rectangles in editing),
the photos of Pierre Boucher and Raoul Ubac.
I spotted a poem by Delmore Schwartz while surfing the Internet. Here some some lovely passages I've lifted. So much to say about seeing, editing, making art:
Excerpts from Seurat’s Sunday Afternoon along the Seine by Delmore Schwartz:
If you look long enough at
It will become extremely
If you look very long at
It will become rich,
manifold, fascinating:
you can look at any thing for long enough,
will rejoice in the miracle of love,
You will possess and be
blessed by the marvellous blinding radiance
of love, you will be
Selfhood will possess and
be possessed, as in the consecration of mar-
riage, the mastery of
vocation, the mystery of gift's mastery, the
deathless relation of
parenthood and progeny.
All things are fixed in
one direction:
We move with the Sunday people from right to left.
Seurat is at once painter,
poet, architect, and alchemist:
The alchemist points his magical wand to
describe and hold the Sun-
day's gold,
Mixing his
small alloys for long and long
Because he wants to hold
the warm leisure and pleasure of the holiday
Within the fiery blaze and
passionate patience of his gaze and mind
Now and forever: O happy,
happy throng,
It is forever Sunday,
summer, free: you are forever warm
Within his little seeds,
his small black grains,
He builds and holds the
power and the luxury
With which the summer
Sunday serenely reigns.
-Is it possible? It is
Although it requires the
labors of Hercules, Sisyphus, Flaubert,
The brilliance
and spontaneity or Mozart, the patience or a pyramid,
And requires all these of
the painter who at twenty-five
Hardly suspects that in
six years he will no longer be alive!
-His marvellous little
marbles, beads, or molecules
Begin as points which the
alchemy's magic transforms
Into diamonds of
blossoming radiance, possessing and blessing the
For look how the sun
shines anew and newly, transfixed
By his passionate
obsession with serenity
As he transforms the
sunlight into the substance of pewter, glittering,
poised and grave, vivid as
In glowing solidity,
changeless, a gift, lifted to immortality.
Although he is very
careful, he is entirely candid.
Although he is wholly
impersonal, he has youth's frankness and, such
is his candor,
His gaze is unique and
thus it is intensely personal:
It is never facile, glib,
or mechanical,
His vision is simple: yet
is also ample, complex, vexed, and profound
In emulation of the
fullness of Nature maturing and
enduring and
toiling with
the chaos of actuality.
infinite variety within a simple frame:
variations upon a single theme!
with what soft soft luster, what calm joy!
is the celebration of contemplation,
is the conversion of experience to pure attention,
is the holiness of all the little things
to us, discovered for us, transformed into the vividest con-
all the shallowness or blindness of experience,
the blurring, dirtying, soothed surfaces which, since Eden and
all the little things trivial or unseen,
Or tickets torn and thrown away
route by rail to an ever-receding holiday:
we have stopped, here we have given our hearts
the real city, the vivid city in which we dwell
which we ignore or disregard most of the luminous day!